Mandy Thorn DL MBE
Chair of Trustees
High Sheriff Shropshire 2022
Mandy Thorn moved to Shropshire in 1993 to join the family care business following four years living and working in Southern Africa. She developed the business, as managing director and then latterly Chair, before selling the business to a national care operator in October 2021.
An interest in the wider Shropshire and Marches economy led to several voluntary roles in diverse organisations such the Shropshire Business Board, the Shropshire Chamber of Commerce and various public private partnership Boards. She joined the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership board in 2013, retired from the Board in 2018 and then rejoined the Board as non-executive Chair a post she held until stepping down in October 2022. She is a school Governor, trustee of the Shropshire Community Foundation, of Shrewsbury Drapers Holy Cross and a Freeman of the Shrewsbury Drapers Company and chair of trustees of National Crimebeat.
She was awarded the MBE for services to dementia in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in 2014 and appointed a Deputy Lieutenant of Shropshire in April 2021 and served as the High Sheriff of Shropshire 2023-24.

Margaret Miles
Treasurer and Secretary
High Sheriff Rutland 2019
Following a mid-life career change, Margaret retrained as a teacher and taught Mathematics in secondary schools for over 20 years. In more recent times I have taught and mentored students on-line. After attending a National Crimebeat Awards ceremony, she was captivated by the amazing work of young people and volunteered to become a Trustee. Margaret also holds a number of other volunteer roles with charities and school Trustee boards, which predominantly focus on educating, supporting and encouraging the youth of our country. Other interests include spending time with her family, playing sport, gardening, reading and theatre.

Grania Phillips DL
High Sheriff Devon 2018
Grania has farmed in North Devon for over 30 years where she and her husband run a pedigree herd of Red Ruby Devons. She serves on the councils of Devon County Show, North Devon Show and Devon Cattle Breeders Society, as well as being wholly committed to sustainable farming and connecting people to the countryside. Before moving to Devon, Grania worked as a Clinical Psychologist and maintains an interest in and commitment to mental health issues. She is also an Honorary Colonel of the Devon ACF and on the Board of Trustees of National Crime Beat, which awards young people who work to reduce crime in their neighbourhood.

Clive Lloyd
High Sheriff West Yorkshire 2021
Clive is an engineer by profession, and continues to have an active working life in business together with more than 25 years’ of trustee board membership experience, with a large number of both national and regional organisations, predominantly within the field of arts and culture. He became a trustee of National Crimebeat in 2022 and is completely inspired by the ongoing achievements of the organisation and the changes that National Crimebeat has made to the lives of so many young people.

Joanna Hilditch DL
High Sheriff Herefordshire 2020
Jo’s background in PR and marketing which is a skill she has continued to use all her working life despite ending up in agriculture. She moved to the family farm in Herefordshire 1994 where she has developed and expanded the business ever since.
She has been involved in many voluntary aspects of Herefordshire life, mostly involving Farming or Tourism. She is chair of the Herefordshire BID, which is involved in developing the tourism economy of the county. Jo sits on the NFU national poultry board and is actively involved in lobbying and representing farmers. Apart from that she is a trustee for Yeleni (a Herefordshire cancer care charity). Jo also chairs the National Blackcurrant Association. As a trustee of National Crimebeat (she entered a Herefordshire winning team during her year as HS), Jo also sees the huge benefit of developing skills and awareness in today’s youth, especially where crime prevention is involved.

Theresa Peltier DL
High Sheriff Derbyshire 2023
Theresa enjoyed a 27 year career in the police service before retiring from Derbyshire Constabulary in 2019 as Head of EDI. She was installed as High Sheriff of Derbyshire in 2023 and made a Deputy Lieutenant in January 2024.
For many years she has been involved in adoption and fostering, is a Panel Chair for Adoption East Midlands and Vice-chair for Foster for East Midlands. Theresa holds a number of Board positions in Derbyshire as well as being qualified in a number of holistic therapies, which she practices.
Living in the Derbyshire Dales, in her spare time she enjoys fell walking, dance, the Arts, reading and is a massive Jazz fan. She has a life partner and five grandchildren.

Tranai Todd
Trustee and National Crimebeat Finalist
Nottinghamshire 2023
Andy Bliss

Lt Col Andrew Tuggey, CBE DL
(ex Officio as Chairman of the High Sheriffs’ Association)
High Sheriff Gwent 2015