National Crimebeat Awards 2020

Unfortunately the awards ceremony, scheduled to take place in London in March 2020, had to be cancelled, as a result of the restrictions imposed under the coronavirus pandemic.

This was hugely disappointing for finalists and organisers. the projects were inspiring and many of the finalists made arrangements to present their awards locally. All the sponsors appreciated the efforts which the young people had put in and wrote to each winner.

The results were as follows:

Youth Led

Winners:                              Clwyd and Gwynedd: Sharing Stories.

Runners Up:                       Derbyshire: Targeting Substance Abuse in Young people.

Third Place:                         Merseyside: Savera Youth UK.

Adult Led

Winners:                              Berkshire: Reading Community Court.

Runners Up:                       Mid Glamorgan: Operation Canary.

Third Place:                         West Yorkshire: Community Jam.

High Sheriffs’ Association Award:             Mid Glamorgan: Operation Canary.

Details of the winning projects

County:                      Berkshire

Project Title:              Reading Community Court

Entry Category:        Adult Led

Operating from 2018, the Reading Community Court (RCC) has been run by a group of young people seeking to modify the perceptions of young offenders through a restorative justice approach. RCC does not determine innocence or guilt nor be a substitute the criminal court system. To participate in this program the offender must have admitted their guilt and be prepared to engage in the restorative mechanism. RCC seeks to link actions with consequences and the impact of those actions on victims. The project also seeks to engage young offenders in more positive activities and has achieved a reduction in the re-offending rate of participants from a national average of 40.9% to 15.6%.

County:                      Mid Glamorgan

Project Title:              Knife Awareness, Operation Canary

Entry Category:        Adult Led

This project has been delivered by a group of Police Youth Volunteers (PYVs) in Bridgend (Pen-y-Bont ar Ogwr) under the supervision of PC Darren Morris. The project conducted a purchasing exercise to verify compliance with the law for the sale of knives to young people. All five stores in the initial sample failed the compliance test so were issued with a police warning letter and an information poster to remind staff of the restrictions. On repeating the exercise a month later, involving a larger number of stores, 4 of the 16 stores checked failed the compliance test, one of which had failed in the initial sample.

A further exercise a short time later resulted in a 100% compliance level, greatly reducing the opportunity for young people to purchase knives in their locality.

County:                      West Yorkshire

Project Title:              Community Jam

Entry Category:        Adult Led

Community Jam uses music, drama and film to communicate the stories of young people who have been the victims of crime including cyber bullying, CSE, grooming and intimidation of vulnerable people. The materials produced were then made available to schools, youth clubs and colleges. Videos produced by the group were shown at Bradford College’s Hate Crime Conference where students of Social Care and Youth & Community Development could see the power of media in getting across a strong message.

County:                      Clwyd & Gwynedd

Project Title:              Sharing Stories Sharing Strength

Entry Category:        Youth Led

Sexual assault and violence affect different people in different ways but this project helps victims to find the strength to speak out about their experience. The project was devised and created by a group of young people in North Wales who had used Amethyst SARC (Sexual Assault Referral Centre), and uses the words of young people who have experienced sexual violence. The group has produced an excellent booklet. Available in English and Welsh, that informs, guides and re-assures those who have been victims of these crimes and helps them on the path to become survivors.

The group has also produced a film that narrates the text in the booklet accompanied by relevant video footage making the material available in two formats, increasing its accessibility

County:                      Derbyshire

Project Title:              Targeting substance abuse in young people

Entry Category:        Youth Led

Aware that drug use was increasing amongst young people and that school exclusions were growing as a result, four Derby police cadets set out to create a presentation that would increase awareness of the consequences and implications of drug use and dispel some of the myths that surround this issue.

So that the effectiveness of the project could be established objectively, the group conducted a survey in two schools to set a base level of knowledge and understanding. After delivering their presentation to over 350 Year 9 students, the survey was repeated with significant increases in the scores recorded. The presentation had a positive impact by increasing young people’s understanding and awareness around drug use, its consequences and the management of peer pressure.

County:                      Merseyside

Project Title:              Savera UK Youth

Entry Category:        Youth Led

Savera UK Youth is a group of youngsters aged 11 to 25 who are passionate about raising awareness amongst their peers of ‘honour’ based abuse (HBA), forced marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM). By approaching these issues through education, the group works to empower potential victims so that they are better prepared and equipped to resist such practices.

The group has staged a conference, arranged an exhibition focused on #EndFGM and produced a film called #StoptheWedding. A Question Time event was held in a local school attended by people from diverse backgrounds and communities. The group uses a variety of media methods to communicate their message and is active in seeking new platforms from which they can convey their message.

2019 Award Winners

At the annual Awards Ceremony in London last week the winners in both Adult and Youth Led categories were announced.

Youth Led


Surrey, Total Respect
Award sponsored by Oldfield Partners

Using their own experience of life in the care system, or in a household where domestic abuse is present, a group of young people worked with Surrey police to influence and improve the way in which police and other services interact with vulnerable children and youths. By devising a training programme that is delivered in a different way and in a different context, this group has been able to involve those attending their courses to improve their understanding and ability to communicate with individuals in these situations

The video used as part of their presentation can be watched here

Runners Up

Nottinghamshire, Pythian presents “Double Edge”
Award sponsored by The Worshipful Company of Fishmongers

Double Edge grew from a range of successful engagement initiatives that resulted in a marked decrease in anti-social behaviour in their area. Building on the experience gained in those initiatives, the Pythian Young Leaders decided to tackle the issue of knife crime through a hard-hitting drama production that exposed the issue of joint enterprise, a legal term that most were unaware of. The production has been endorsed by the Nottinghamshire PCC and ACC and has been used effectively in discouraging young people from carrying knives or associating with those who do.

The video used as part of their presentation can be found here

Joint Third Place

Gwent, The Odyssey Project
Award sponsored by Bedfordshire Crimebeat

Gwent Volunteer Police Cadets heard about an incident where an 85 year old person had been the victim of a doorstep crime. On learning more about the crime, this group of young people decided that they should take positive action to raise awareness amongst elderly potential victims, so reducing the likelihood of them succumbing to similar deceptions.

In pursuing this project, the cadets have forged close community links and have promulgated awareness of doorstep crime so effectively that there has been a significant reduction in such crimes in the area.

The video used as part of their presentation can be found here

Joint Third Place

Hertfordshire, Break the Chain
Award sponsored by Bedfordshire Crimebeat

Here the students seek to address the increasing problems of modern slavery. Their short film highlights some of the ways in which children and young people are exploited and forced into work or engage in criminal activities, and how ordinary people can be totally oblivious to their position. The locations, script, video recording and editing were managed by the project group.

This was gripping video that could be used nationally to raise awareness of modern slavery

The video used as part of their presentation can be found here

Adult Led


Cumbria, Carlisle Mencap’s Independence Studio
Award sponsored by The Makers of playing cards’ Charity

This project was created to highlight the ways in which hate crime can blight the lives of others with learning disabilities, often resulting in psychological and physical illness. The project consists of a film, in two parts, entitled “Take Control” showing several scenarios of bullying, hatred, intolerance and prejudice and the debilitating effect that has on the victim, resulting in attempted suicide. The second part of the film demonstrates what can happen when the victim ‘takes control’ and reports the bullying to which she has been subjected.

The video used as part of their presentation can be found here

Joint Runners Up

Hampshire, Raise a Flag
Award sponsored by the High Sheriffs’ Association

The Youth Commission sought to raise awareness of unhealthy relationships and the effect they have on young people. Their innovative idea was to raise flags in multiple public places, to show support and raise awareness of controlling and coercive relationships. They supplied with Flag Bags containing leaflets and resources for information and advice, and held workshops educating people to recognise healthy and unhealthy relationships.

The video used as part of their presentation can be found here

Joint Runners Up

Hertfordshire Achieve Care
Awards sponsored by the High Sheriffs’ Association

Hertford and Ware Police Cadets worked with Cadet Leaders to create, manage and deliver Achieve Care. This involved visiting lonely and isolated elderly people with therapy dogs to help stimulate conversation and create a relaxed environment.

Many of the elderly people visited were displaying the early stages of dementia and were becoming socially isolated. Now they are taking Achieve Care to new partners and vulnerable groups and extending it to other Cadet groups in Hertfordshire.

The Burnett Presentation Award

Surrey, Total Respect with Hugh Burnett, the award sponsor

Surrey won this award for the best presentation on the day as judged by Hugh Burnett and the Chairman of the High Sheriffs’ Association. They explained clearly how their project had been used and the impact it had had on the constabulary and the young people.

The High Sheriffs’ Association Award

Hertfordshire Police Cadets with Julian Avery, President of the High Sheriffs’ Association

This special award is only given in years where a project is judged to have lasting impact and be replicable across other areas. The High Sheriff must have been actively involved. Herts cadets were clear in their mission to deliver Achieve Care to other cadet groups, and to continue with their work. The cadets spoke clearly, at times unprompted, and with obvious passion for their work with elderly people.

National Crimebeat Special Award

Somerset, Stand Against Violence with Amanda Parker, Chair of National Crimebeat

The National Crimebeat Award is given to an outstanding project. This was a unanimous winner and the young people involved demonstrated courage and emotional resilience when challenging perceptions and ahtred. They showed that a tragedy can help change lives for the better.

This project was founded in response to the murder of 17 year old Lloyd Fouracre who was beaten to death in Taunton one day before his 18th birthday. The killers were convicted and sentenced to imprisonment.

In 2017 Adam, Lloyd’s brother, met with one of his brother’s murderers, Jay Wall, who was approaching the end of his sentence. Still thinking of how Lloyd’s story could be used to save other young lives, Adam asked if Jay would be willing to take part in a joint interview to be used in the educational workshops delivered to young people. Jay, a reformed individual who had worked hard to engage in therapy to address his behaviour and attitude, was keen to do anything he could to help the charity. He wanted others like him not to make the same mistakes in life that he did.

Stand Against Violence exists to reduce and prevent street violence by using unique educational resources. The charity has three main focus points:

  1. To promote good citizenship among young people
  2. To demonstrate the consequences of violence
  3. To equip young people with the skills they need to handle potentially violent situations

You can read Adam’s blog post about his first meeting with Jay here and find out more about the work of Stand Against Violence here

2019 Awards Ceremony

A wonderful and inspiring day at The Royal National Hotel in London saw the 2019 finalists gather to present their projects to an audience of VIPs, sponsors and supporters. All the groups excelled themselves with their engaging presentations before heading off on a Big Bus tour and trip on the London Eye.

National Crimebeat 2018 Winners

2018 Awards Winners

The 2018 winners were announced at the Awards Ceremony on 18th April at the Royal National Hotel, London. This fabulous event was attended by HRH the Duchess of Gloucester GCVO and the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police,  Commissioner Cressida Dick CBE QPM, and The Queen’s Remembrancer, Senior Master Barbara Fontaine.

The Queen’s Remembrancer is responsible for nomination of the High Sheriffs to each County of England and Wales, except Lancashire, Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Cornwall, who are selected by the Duke of Lancaster (i.e. the Sovereign) via the Pricking ceremony.

We would like to thank all of our sponsors for their generous support and attendance.

Youth Led

Winner – sponsored by Oldfield Partners

Essex:  MiLife

ESSEX – “MiLIFE”, project was submitted by the Epping Forest Youth Council (EFYC) which is made up of 25 young people elected by their school, college, including those alternatively educated and those who are working.

The Project was conceived by the EFYC following extensive research which demonstrated the need for young people to have access to tools to help build their resilience to deal with metal health issues, stress, bullying and prevent them turning to a life of crime and/ or substance abuse.

The EFYC decided what they wanted to deliver, produced the tools viz; wrote the script, acted and filmed an interactive website, an interactive forum theatre production, created a resource pack for teachers which they co-host, together with  lunch time follow up sessions which they also delivered. MiLIFE is now being delivered to the 13,000 pupils in Essex Secondary Schools.


Runner Up – sponsored by Sally Bowie, High Sheriff of Leicestershire 2013

Derbyshire:   Project Zao

DERBYSHIRE – “PROJECT ZAO”, project was submitted by the Da Vinci Academy, Derby. A small number of student ambassadors from the school, years 7-10, who wanted to raise awareness of the horrific impact knife crime can have. They decide to produce an immersive dramatization showing the consequences and devastation that can occur when knives are carried by young people.

They planned the day and delivered it in their school, they carried fake knives, were arrested, handcuffed and placed in a police van. Ambulance crews and Blood Bike staff gave aid to two knife carrying victims (ambassadors) made up with realistic life changing injuries. Armed Response Officers demonstrated the use of Tasers and other disarming methods. To reinforce the key messages all the schools pupils attended an assembly where a sniffer dog detected an imitation knife in an actor pupils’ bag.

The whole day was videoed and to date has had over 20,000 hits on face book not just by the school but the wider community. Has attracted great comments including –“please roll this out to as many schools as possible”.


Third Place sponsored by Bedfordshire Crimebeat

Nottinghamshire:   Know Your Rights

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE – “KNOW YOUR RIGHTS”, submitted by the Nottinghamshire Youth Commission on Crime and Policing, 27 young people aged between 14 to 25yrs. Through their work with young people the Youth Commissioners discovered that young people have difficulty in communicating with the police. One reason being that of confusion of understanding (knowledge) of their rights when stopped by the police.

To tackle this the youth commissioners decided to produce a film, they wrote the story, acted and filmed it. They took the film on a road show with an associated workshop which they also developed and deliver. This involves role play, quizzes and discussion group held in youth clubs, schools, colleges and other such gatherings of young people.

The aim is to reach 500 young people in Nottinghamshire, to date they have reached 379 of which 81% state they have more confidence in dealing with the police as a result of the programme. The model the young people created and delivered is being replicated in other regions of the Country.

Adult Led

Winner – sponsored by The Makers of Playing Cards

Greater London:   Breck’s Ambassadors

GREATER LONDON –“Breck’s Ambassadors”, The Tower Hamlets Volunteer Police Cadets learnt of the horrific murder of Breck ,14yrs, by a paedophile, and also of his mother’s drive to use Breck’s story to warn young people about on line grooming. Breck, an air cadet, and his friends met the offender on line. Following intervention by their parents who worked together, all but Breck ceased contact with him. Unbeknown to his parents Breck went to meet him and he was murdered.

Having met Breck’s mother and triplet siblings 15 Tower Hamlets Volunteer cadets produced a power point presentation lesson, 3 videos and commenced delivering the lessons in Tower Hamlet schools. They then trained 98 other Met Police Volunteer cadets  to become ”Breck’s Ambassdors” and deliver the lessons across London.  Within 8 week the lessons were delivered to over 6,000 pupils.

The Tower Hamlet cadets are now engaged with other Police Forces Volunteer Cadets training them to become Breck’s Ambassadors and deliver the lessons across the UK.


Runners Up – sponsored by Linklaters

Merseyside:   Faith 17

MERSEYSIDE –“ FAITH 2017”, After BREXIT a 6 month programme of inter faith activities were developed by young people in Alsop High School. The activities were designed to inspire young people in the school and local community to be compassionate, responsible citizens to be able to appreciate and respect the values of other faiths. The young people wanted to prevent hate crimes and create community cohesion.

They held a Hillsborough Justice Day, held workshops with leaders of different faiths following up with visits to Mosques, Synagogues and Cathedrals, worked with a number of primary schools and led a pilgrimage of Teddies around Liverpool and produced a series of posters as a positive response to terrorist attacks. FAITH 2017 won the Educate Award for Community Partnership and having impact on the lives of so many.


Nottinghamshire:   Dragon’s Den

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE – “ Dragons Den Style Project 8, Year 10 pupils in Nottinghamshire Secondary schools were tasked with designing a range of innovative ideas to be used in a  campaign in  schools, to raise awareness of young peoples’ mental health problems, also to produce interventions leading to young people dealing with their issues so they have emotional well- being and resilience.

The pupils from 6 schools presented ideas to  a panel based on Dragons Den on how they would promote emotional health, well- being and build resilience to prevent  bullying, cyber-bullying, relationship abuse, child exploitation and hate crime.  The young peoples’ ideas ranged from songs they had written, on line apps they had created, videos they had designed, acted in and filmed and a hashtag #fineisneverenough. Each idea had to be supported by a financial business case.

The two winning schools received cash prizes to use in delivering their winning innovations across all schools’ as part of a mental health campaign. It is intended that the outcomes will inspire others to roll out the messages to communities both locally and nationally.



Warwickshire:   Street Aware

WARWICKSHIRE – “Street Aware” This project was inspired by a father whose son had become involved with legal highs, his vision was that school children would be more receptive to their peers rather than a teacher talking about drug abuse. He funded a programme for Peer Educators to be trained who then trained Youth Ambassadors aged16 -20 yrs olds to go into schools with them to deliver lessons on drug abuse.

The Peer Educators who volunteered for this training were often NEETS, once trained they arranged awareness days in schools, colleges and local community events.  This produced a number of potential Youth Ambassadors ,aged between 16 – 20 years of age, their number is now 45. Together a Peer Educator and a Youth Ambassador go into a school to talk to pupils about drug misuse. The sessions are informal, full of lively discussion with excellent rapport between the Youth Ambassadors and the pupils.

The sessions started in Nuneaton but due to their success they have been introduced to all schools in the County. Over 6,000 pupils have benefitted to date from these Youth Ambassadors input.

The National Crimebeat Special Award


Durham:   Mini Police

This year is awarded to Durham Constabulary who invented the “MINI POLICE” project in primary schools. Children identified by their teacher as suitable apply, obtain references (from their teacher or parent) and are interviewed. All are accepted and given Police- provided coats, caps and high viz jackets. They then undertake a 7 week intensive training programme, followed by 3 engagements per term.

They deliver talks to the whole school on topics such as Water Safety, Internet Safety, Illegal Money Lending, on- line Fraud and Cybercrime.

They identify an issue in their community and with support they problem- solve – helping with community speedwatch, bulb & flower planting, visiting local mosques and litter picks.

The scheme builds the childrens’ self- esteem and confidence, understand how to contribute positively to those living and working near their school and in their community. They also learn to trust the police. These improved relationships lead to positive engagement with their families and the wider community.

The success of the Durham project led to 7 other police forces adopting the model, with around 3,500 Mini police Officers taking part in each academic year at 130 schools, with indirect engagement with over 40,000 children. This has inspired 10 more Police Forces to adopt the model and by April 2018 285 schools will be delivering the scheme and 85,000 children will be indirectly engaged.

The Hugh Burnett Award for the Best Presentation on the Day

Warwickshire:   Street Aware


The High Sheriffs’ Association Award

Greater London – Breck’s Ambassadors

2018 Awards, Finalists Announced.

We are delighted to announce the finalists for the 2108 National Crimebeat Awards.

The judges had a difficult task and were very impressed with the calibre of entries this year.



The shortlisted projects and counties are:

Adult Led:

  • Greater London, Breck Ambassadors
  • Merseyside, Faith 2017
  • Nottinghamshire, Dragon’s Den Project 8
  • Warwickshire, Street Aware

Youth Led:

  • Derbyshire, Da Vinci Project (Project ZAO)
  • Essex, MiLife
  • Nottinghamshire, Know Your Rights

The Special Award, which is not granted every year, goes to Durham, Mini Police.

Congratulations to all of you!
