You can view a short video of last year’s ceremony here
Category A
1st place
Mid Glamorgan – Gurnos Zebras
A group of 20 young people aged from 14- 17 years from the Forsythia Youth Group and Bishop Hedley Catholic High School were challenged to make a difference to their community. The group identified an area on the edge of a large housing estate notorious for social problems, the area included two care homes and a school. An underpass with poor lighting, adjacent to a busy road, led from the estate to the local hospital the underpass was frequented by drug users and those committing anti- social behaviour. The young people decided to tackle this situation and developed a 3 point plan.
* Secure the closure of the underpass,
* Ensure the installation of a zebra crossing to replace the underpass,
* Secure lighting along the footpath leading to the hospital.
They donned zebra costumes and engaged and consulted with politicians ,others of local influence and the local people using a compelling narrative to support their campaign. They also raised £4,000 towards the cost of the improvements they sort.
They won and as a result crime in the area has been significantly reduced, no longer frequented by drug users and residents record feeling safer in the area. The local Police Superintendent states that their impact has been hugely significant.
Category A
2nd place
Derbyshire – Operation Cornmill
Two Police Cadets were given the chance to give a safety talk to the residents of Cornmill House, Glossop, a residential home for the elderly. This followed a spate of pick pocketing and bag dipping in the area and also a number of attempts by opportunists posing as trades people to gain access to the home to steal from the residents.
The talk was such a success that the Cadets decided to hold an information and awareness day for the residents and other vulnerable members of the community. They organised the day, encouraging local retailers to attend to display appropriate equipment and information, other emergency services to provide guidance and societies such as Deaf and Hearing Support, Alzheimer’s Society and Health Watch Derbyshire to offer support. Over 70 people attended the day all were greeted by the Cadets who assessed their needs and directed them to the appropriate stall.
Such was the success of the day the model is to be rolled out across the Police Division.
Category A
3rd place
North Yorkshire – Ice Warriors Five junior school boys from the Life style group 2016 decided that they wished to tackle the vandalised area outside the library, They wrote letters to the local retailers asking for help with plants and refreshments, spoke to local parish councillors and PCSOs to arrange help for the project and engaged local people to provide gardening and other equipment. Stone work was replaced, litter and weeds were removed by the boys who were determined to show that not all young people were involved in anti-social behaviour. They created a safe, hazard free area to be enjoyed by local people. This project was the boys’ idea; they got the local community involved, sourced the necessary goods and broke down barriers between the elderly and young people. They created community cohesion and continue to maintain the area making it feel safe.
Category B
1st place
Herefordshire – Lean on me‘
‘Lean on Me’ is a safe space in Herefords night time economy, it is situated in the heart of the City Centre and works closely with Street Pastors and emergency services to support the inebriated, injured and vulnerable. It is staffed by 56 highly trained volunteers, 43 are aged 16 to 25 yrs. The project is run by two recent graduates, both having seen vulnerability amongst peers whilst at university, it is open Saturday nights and Bank holidays. They take responsibility for the daily management of the centre, development of the project and raising funds.
The young people carry out medical checks, gather information to contact friends and family to ensure each person gets home safely. In addition to first aid theyprovide emotional support and facilitate a safe waiting area. They are equipped to deal with disclosures, which often happens in this friendly atmosphere, where necessary informing a safe guarding agency.
Since the centre opened the ambulance service and A&E dept have recorded low figures on big nights like New Year.
Category B
Joint 2nd place
Lancashire – Purple4Polio
Lancashire ‘Purple for Polio’ – this is a joint project between Bleasdale Special School and Carnforth Rotary Club. Such are the disabilities of the 4 young people (aged 13-16yrs) they are sadly unable to attend but they have put together a video for the ceremony explaining what they did. Adults from the School and the Rotary will attend to intro the video. In partnership with the Rotary and local people they set out on a social action project to break down barriers associated with diversity. They planted purple crocus bulbs in the area to raise funds to eradicate polio. The impact of the project which involved a lot of hard work for the young people has been described as building relationships between young and old, other young people seeing young people with complex needs make a positive impact on their environment. Overall this has strengthen community cohesion. A project looking outside the box of normal crime prevention.
Category B
Joint 2nd place
Cheshire – Radio Competition
Cheshire Crime Prevention “Radio Competition” – was set up in early 2016 and 750
schools (primary, secondary and special) in Cheshire were offered the chance to participate at no cost. They were invited to create a 60 second radio broadcast highlighting issues around- child sexual health, healthy relationships, sexting and use of social media and psychoactive substances. Schools could pick one of these topics. In November 10 junior and 10 secondary were chosen as the best entries of these 4 from each group went to the semi- finals. These 8 schools were the subject of a public vote and in January 2017 a winner from each group decided.
Category B
Joint 2nd place
Cumbria – Is it OK?
Cumbria ‘Is it OK’ supporting people with learning disabilities to understand and report sexual abuse – Carlisle Mencap. A group of 7 young learning disabled film makers produced an educational film on sexual abuse or exploitation. Recognising that there is a lack of understanding amongst young people with learning disabilities of WHAT is sexual abuse/exploitation or who to speak to.
Special Award
Bedfordshire – Bedfordshire Volunteer Police Cadets
This year the Trustees agreed that a Special Award should be made to Bedfordshire Police for the innovative and high quality crime prevention and community cohesion projects using their Volunteer Cadet Groups to reach out to other Young People. Each year for a number of years Bedfordshire’s High Sheriffs have submitted many winning projects from the force. Other forces also submit cadet projects but not as innovative and in the numbers of Bedfordshire.
Special Award
Suffolk – WASSUP
Women Against Sexual Exploitation and Violence Speak Up ‘WASSUP’
This is a peer support group for young black and minority ethnic (BME) women in Ipswich. Many have experienced sexual exploitation, domestic abuse, trafficking or honour based violence. The young women who formed WASSUP came together through a referral scheme and quickly realised that they had endured similar experiences in their young lives and wanted to help others.
The young women went on to be trained and have developed and delivered many workshops and training packages for schools and professionals. Through the development of interactive tools kits and using innovative way of addressing these topics they have made their communities safer.